New Bins and Benches

New bins and benches have been installed by the Town Council at three sites in Midsomer Norton.

A bench, bin and picnic table have been fitted near the MUGA and play area, and another bin in the car park. At the Town Park there are new bins by the amphitheatre, the ‘beach’ by the River Somer, one at the top of the zig-zag path next to the Greenway and one on the top of the batch. The last bin has gone to Wellow Brook Walk. We hope the bins go some way to helping to keep Midsomer Norton tidy. Our thanks to our Town Warden Dave Paisey, who now has more bins to empty on his rounds, and to those Town Councillors who are on the bin emptying rota. We’d also like to thank the Womble volunteers who collect so often and are so passionate about keeping Midsomer Norton litter free.