How to become a Town Councillor


There are many reasons why people decide to become a local councillor. They include:

  • wanting to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of the local community
  • being concerned about your local area and wanting to ensure that the community gets the right services
  • wanting to represent the views of local people and ensure that community interests are taken into account
  • wanting to contribute your business or professional skills
  • concerns about one particular issue
  • as an extension of what you are already doing through a political party, trade union, charity, voluntary group or school governing body – becoming a councillor can be the next step.


You can stand as a Town Councillor at the next round of elections – for Midsomer Norton Town Council these will be held in May 2023. There are certain rules on eligibility but the vast majority of people would meet these.  If you are interested, contact the Town Clerk in the first instance (details are on our home page).